Experienced RTLS Project Failure? Here Is The Answer That Works...

The RTLS Future Is Bright

The RTLS Future Is Bright


Imagine if you could deploy some sort of a system that would allow you to know where everything and everybody in your facility was, instantly. Imagine what you could do with that type of information. You could revolutionize operations, optimize staffing, reduce costs, and increase employee and contractor safety performance to levels not previously thought possible. It would be amazing!  Those few sentences are reminiscent of the “pitch” delivered to executives as Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) started to appear on the market. Early adopters moved forward with RTLS, understanding that they might hit a few bumps in the road, like with any new technology. However these early adopters probably never expected that delivering against the RTLS promise might not be so simple. Unfortunately many of the implementations over the past decade have under-performed against expectations and ended up as abandoned technology. no longer utilized.


Early generation RTLS deployments relied exclusively on WiFi triangulation and signal strength. These single RTLS technology schemes required large capital expenditures and long project timelines to provide adequate WiFi coverage in the plant. In the end, the WiFi only RTLS technology did not perform well in plant environments and consistently delivered sub-par results.



Successful RTLS deployments now utilize a hybrid technology platform, solving a diverse range of use cases while reducing the overall cost of ownership. RTLS tags with a combination of Global Positioning Satellite (GPS), Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Low Frequency RFID (LF) and Wi-Fi capability offer a true hybrid solution that can solve the diverse range of use cases seen in industries such as, oil & gas, refining, chemical, pharmaceutical, medical and manufacturing.

Hybrid location technology is a game changer. It is the only practical solution to many of the complex use cases in the process industries. It involves using two or more location technologies as part of the same solution:

  • ·        Delivers wider coverage with reduced infrastructure

  • ·        Greater accuracy in areas of diverse structure density

  • ·        Provides additional functionality

  • ·        Reduced total cost of ownership

Hybrid RTLS System

Hybrid RTLS System


In the hybrid approach, wireless access point infrastructure density is greatly reduced. Hybrid RTLS takes a fraction of the wireless investment of the first generation deployments while delivering superior performance. This significantly decreases the TCO while increasing the ROI on CAPEX by providing superior performance and shorter implementation times. The progression of these geolocation technologies and improvements in implementation techniques makes hybrid location a readily attainable goal.

Most recently successful hybrid RTLS deployments have delivered millions of dollars in ROI and contributed significantly to operation excellence and safety performance. These successful projects span the range of different RTLS technologies, and universally, these organizations have achieved their long-term vision for how real-time technologies can be leveraged for their core strategic objectives.

Surprisingly, some of the most successful hybrid RTLS implementations were accomplished at industrial sites where early generation location technology ultimately under-performed. Leadership leveraged the learnings accumulated from early, less successful implementations resulting in the successful use of new hybrid technology in achieving their vision.

At I2oT Solutions, we work with companies to implement RTLS technologies in best use case solutions in order to meet their objectives. We help organizations “fill in the blanks” around their long-term wireless vision, and often find they are relieved to discover that they don’t have to figure this out all by themselves.

If you would like to better understand how real-time technologies can bring value (ROI) to your organization,give I2oT Solutions a call today - We can help.

The Oil & Gas Industry Site Of The Future


 THE FUTURE OF connectivity with wireless.

Whether your operations are upstream, midstream, or downstream, wireless technology will have a major impact on your future operations. Digital oil and gas industrial sites combine sensor technologies, cloud-based Big Data predictive analytics, and other emergent mobile technologies to reduce unplanned downtime, increase asset optimization, and improve operational efficiency. Some examples include:

  • Wireless sensors detecting plant abnormalities (such as temperature and vibration fluctuations) and sending an alert.

  • Engineers in an integrated operations center receive an alert and perform a system diagnosis remotely.

  • Operators make rounds and submit maintenance work orders on mobile devices with live data collected in the field.

  • Digital E-Permitting such as digitized work permits, lock-out/tag-out and confined space permits streamlines workflow while promoting social distancing.

  • Operators coordinate operational procedure step completion in the field with control rooms and work procedure steps with others on mobile devices.

  • Location tracking for key equipment, safety of personnel, and contact tracing.

  • Surveillance drones stream photos and video in real time to perform remote inspections of operations equipment and plant structures.

  • Predictive data analytics determine upcoming maintenance needs based on remote sensor data and sends work requests to maintenance and part orders to supply chain.

  • Engineers remotely assist maintenance personnel wearing smart glasses which stream live video and audio of maintenance being performed in the field, viewing what the workers see.

To support technologies like tablets, location tracking, drones, and smart watches, however, oil and gas industry requires a robust, reliable, and secure wireless network that ensures connectivity 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Currently, the oil and gas industry is investing in mobility, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT or I2oT), and cloud based solutions. Over the next three to five years, experts suggest that investment will shift significantly to Big Data and analytics applications, including artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, and wearables.

To meet the demands of these applications, the network infrastructure at many facilities will need overhauling accommodate the increased bandwidth demands and growing numbers of networked devices.

Oil and gas operators need more from their wireless networks. A reliable wireless network is founded on reliable hardware, but begins with a detailed engineering plan and assessment. Without a tradeoff of one feature for another, I2oT Solutions can conduct a detailed engineering assessment and provide a plan for secure, high-speed, reliable, and scalable wireless mobility network.

Contact us today to set up a discussion about implementing our mobile operations and digital E-Permitting solutions.

Why Are We Waiting?

Why are we waiting to implement mobility at our sites and facilities? I spent much of my career improving processes and implementing technology to help enhance production, assure safety, and help companies become compliant at many of their facilities. Implementing technology that enables improvement has been a passion of mine. That’s why I2oT Solutions, I2oT Suites and other companies that I’ve been associated with have positively impacted the industry and will continue to do so in the future.

Why are we not utilizing or implementing mobile technology today? Is it the cost? Are we worried about failed implementation? Security concerns? We have implemented some of the most secure cost-effective solutions in the industry that have been through multiple technology upgrade cycles and have stood the test of time in terms of reliability, cost of maintenance and security. Our clients’ project ROIs have consistently exceeded their expectations.

Don’t stand on the sideline, get in the game, utilizing technology today to impact your bottom line. Implementing good solutions can provide the fundamental foundation for contact tracing and many other solutions that will help us navigate the #COVID19 opening.


Multiple Weeks of Shelter in Place

After multiple weeks in a shelter in place, I continue to be worried that our industry’s aging workforce will still be an issue after we get past #COVID19. We need to decide how we are going to tackle this human capital issue. How do we train or provide tools that the younger workforce use today and every day when socializing with friends and family? In these last few weeks, we’ve learned the importance of these tools while connecting to our workplace and families. I²oT Solutions and I²oT Suites have both, the solutions and the enabling technology. We know that workforce aging will be an issue within your plant or organization. The Experience is leaving and if we do not capture and allow our younger workforce to use these tools then we will have lost the opportunity to save outages and even loss of lives from our industry. If you have been in this industry you know that this is no longer a next-year issue, instead, we need to tackle like we are doing today with the #COVID19. Call us if you are interested in how we can help you. Stay Safe!
#socializing #permitting #covid19virus #permits #wirelesscommunications #connectivity #wireless

What wakes you up at night?

What wakes you up at night? My wake-ups are around my business, what did I forget to do the day before, did I get all my invoicing done and are payments being made on time so I can keep food on the tables for all my employees. No matter if you are running a small business or large corporations it is all around business processes getting done on time that allows us to get sound sleep. I²oT Solutions is focused on the connectivity and business processes for your organization. The I²oT Suites allows your organization to utilize the workflow package to replace any paper process providing ROI quickly on your investment. We can implement simple checklists as well as more complex workflow processes such as Management of Change (MOC), Incident Management and E-Permitting for our customers. Are you interested in how we can enable connectivity for your organization and utilize our I2oT Suites so you can sleep sound knowing you did the best you could do for your organization?
#connectivity #productivity #permitting #workflow #processes

Navigating #COVID19

As we navigate the #covid19 virus that is impacting all of our lives, I'm reminded why I get up everyday and deliver I2oT Solutions and I2oT Suites to the industry and our customers. The digitization and transformation of the connected worker allow us to continue to function remotely or within the industrial plant floor while maintaining social distancing as we are performing our jobs. Our solutions work if you are in the field allowing you to continue to keep your business moving such as approving e-Permits, Checklists or other Visual processes that can allow workflow to manage social distancing while continuing to operate your Plant or Enterprise. The I2oT teams are all working and have always worked together as a remote organization. This is what we do and live every day.

Let us know if you are interested in knowing more about how we can help make mobility happen for your teams -- in a very short time frame.

Workforce - Wake Up Call

We have raised the flags for the last ten years that there will be an experienced skill worker shortage due to our aging workforce that are nearing or at retirement age. What impact will this have on the industry? We will see an increase of safety incidents and unscheduled outages, since experienced employees have learned best practices over the years, while the younger workforce does not have the luxury of years of training programs that the experienced worker gained in our industry.

Why now? The economy is allowing experienced workers to retire, we know that within most of our industry over 30% of the workforce is or will be at retirement age. We cannot afford to wait till we lose this valuable asset, we need to capture their industry knowledge now and refine it for the newer workers entering the workforce. Experienced workers have seen their 401K and retirement plans look better and better which does not mean doom and gloom. It means we must do things smarter and quicker to ramp up getting newer employees equipped with the knowledge of the experienced worker.

How? Equip the new generation with what they know best, Technology! Yes, there is no excuse anymore for companies not implementing mobility into their sites to do maintenance, operations and safety solutions that will allow newer employee to learn quicker and use something that is second nature to them. We can build Operator Rounds, Maintenance Best Practices, Management of Change, Inspections and Safety Solutions that enable newer employees the ability to learn from experienced workers knowledge. Hate the word AI, instead, let’s use EI, Experience Intelligent that we can provide to our newer workforce.

We can impact how we ramp up getting the younger workers to use technology and learn the safety best practices and processes to remain as safe or safer as the workers leaving the workforce.

When? Now, what are we waiting on? it is not the cost, we can show you that waiting far outweighs doing something now! Your company reputation making the news instead of leveraging technology to save cost and ramping up training newer workforce for a safer and more productive employee for the future.

We can help you get there at a cost you will not believe possible, just contact sales@i2otsolutions.com

Sinclair Oil Corporation Announces Successful Completion of the I2oT Solutions Wireless Infrastructure Implementation at its Sinclair Wyoming Refining

Sinclair Oil Corporation Announces Successful Completion of the I2oT Solutions Wireless Infrastructure Implementation at its Sinclair Wyoming Refining Company Facility

 Sinclair Partners with I2oT Solutions to continue their focus on improved process efficiency and leading industry practices in Digital Transformation by implementing an Industrial Wireless Infrastructure 

Sinclair, WY – January 9th, 2018 – Sinclair Oil, a leading, privately held US integrated oil company headquartered in Salt Lake City, UT, announced today that they have completed a new technology implementation that will automate their work processes and drastically improve facility efficiency. Sinclair Oil worked with I2oT Solutions to design and implement a facility wide wireless infrastructure as a foundational element to its ‘Digital Transformation’ and ability to readily harvest the benefits being made available through the advent of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

I2oT Solutions provided the full range of services from design and engineering through construction management and commissioning services for the wireless infrastructure. The scope of the wireless deployment created a site-wide umbrella of outdoor coverage as well as strategic coverage of manned indoor areas. The engineering phase for the wireless project was completed in November 2016. The physical infrastructure deployment phase began in April 2017 followed by a successful on time and under budget completion in October this year. 

“When I2oT Solutions presented their industrial wireless infrastructure solution we were impressed with the quick configuration and deployment process for such a valuable and important application”, said Bruce Taylor, Manager Business Process Integration, Sinclair Wyoming. “We have had great success working with the team and we are already reaping the benefits of a wireless infrastructure for automation process applications. We look forward to the next project phases for automation and mobility applications with Sinclair partnering I2oT Solutions and other vendor solutions.”

Before Sinclair worked with I2oT Solutions to implement their industrial wireless infrastructure, Sinclair Oil Wyoming executed their work processes in the traditional manual method. In an ongoing effort to improve operations and lead the industry in the ‘Digital Transformation’, Sinclair chose to work with I2oT Solutions, the industry leader in the Industrial Intranet of Things (IIoT) to provide services for designing, deploying and ongoing support for a secure and reliable wireless framework.

“I²oT Solutions Engineers have helped many facilities implement and enhance their infrastructures allowing them to enable mobile applications. Now that the infrastructure is successfully complete, Sinclair Oil will start new projects for wireless mobility solutions for permit to work, workflow, compliance, knowledge management and many other critical business process applications.”

 About Sinclair Oil Corporation

Sinclair is a family-owned, vertically-integrated oil company, involved in all aspects of the industry, from oil and gas exploration to motor fuel distribution. Sinclair relentlessly pursues a safe, reliable, environmentally responsible and a profitable operation, ensuring a sustainable future for our owners and employees and the communities where we operate. Sinclair has executive offices in Salt Lake City, Utah, two refineries in Wyoming, and branded Sinclair stations in 24 states.

About I²oT Solutions

Leverage decades of industrial communications experience with I²oT Solutions' team to ensure your projects are a success. We have the most experienced teams in the industry, having successfully designed and deployed wire and wireless solutions for many of the largest oil and gas companies on the planet. Our mission is to provide services for designing, deploying and ongoing support for the secure and reliable framework of the Industrial Intranet of Things (IIoT). I²oT Solutions will leverage the existing customer technology and provide new customers robust solutions, such as mobility, security and safety solutions, that help enable better, faster and more accurate decision making. For more information, visit www.I2oTSolutions.com

 © Copyright 2018 I2oT Solutions and Sinclair Oil. All rights reserved.